Benson and Bussey: Time to reassess the Canadian Judicial Council?

By Iain T. Benson and Barry W. Bussey

Published by The Epoch Times


A complaint to the Canadian Judicial Council was recently filed concerning comments made by the Right Honourable Richard Wagner, chief justice of the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC).

The complaint alleged that Justice Wagner’s comments on the trucker convoy protests in Ottawa, published by Le Devoir on April 9, 2022, “fit the definition of a reasonable apprehension of bias and an appearance of partiality.” There are currently several cases in the courts challenging the federal government’s invocation of the Emergencies Act to quell the protests that may well end up before Chief Justice Wagner.

On June 23, the Canadian Judicial Council (CJC) rejected the complaint in a four-page letter signed by Jacqueline Corado, acting executive director. She concluded, “Considering that your complaint is unsupported, is largely based on a hypothetical scenario, is manifestly without substance, and does not concern judicial conduct, it does not warrant further consideration by the Council.”

We believe that the perfunctory dismissal of the complaint by the CJC raises cause for concern.

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To read the original Complaint to the Canadian Judicial Council, see here [PDF format]

To read the response from the Canadian Judicial Council to the Complaint, see here [PDF format]


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